

Restylane was the first hyaluronic acid dermal filler available in NZ and remains one of the most popular dermal fillers available. Restylane is marketed by Galderma in New Zealand.

We use Restylane to treat Lips, Cheeks, the Jawline, scars facial lines and folds and much more.

Restylane comes in the following products:

  • Restylane
  • Perlane
  • SubQ

Each product is formulated to treat specific areas of the face. In a very basic sense, the thinner products are used to deliver a very natural and soft result in more superficial areas such as the lips. The thicker and more firm gels are injected deeper into the dermis and are used to create volume and structure. Dermal filler treatments last anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on the product used. For more information about these products, talk to Dr Wilkinson at your next appointment.


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