Forehead Lines

Forehead Lines

Forehead lines are another common concern and something we very regularly treat here at The Face Clinic. The strong action of the frontalis muscle of the forehead works to create dynamic wrinkles when we make various facial expressions. Over time, these dynamic wrinkles settle into the skin and become static lines.

The frontalis muscle is also largely responsible for lifting the whole face. For this reason, treating the forehead with anti-wrinkle injections is a delicate procedure. Many people over-estimate when treating the forehead and this can cause a dropped brow. Dr Wilkinson takes a less-is-more approach to the frontalis muscle to ensure the dynamic lines are softened, without completely paralysing them and causing unwanted outcomes.

When it comes to forehead lines, it is absolutely vital to ensure you treat early. Once moderate to severe static forehead lines have formed, patients often require dermal filler as well as anti-wrinkle injections to obtain great results. By acting sooner, you can avoid the formation of moderate to severe forehead lines altogether.

If you think your forehead could do with a little rejuvenation or would like to take action to ensure it never reaches that point, make an appointment to discuss treatment today. Anti-wrinkle injections to the forehead last up to 4 months.

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